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Oregon Court Records

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Deschutes County Arrest Records

Deschutes County arrest records are the official documents that record the arrest of persons in Deschutes, Oregon. Local law enforcement agencies such as the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office make these arrests and maintain the records. Deschutes County arrest records are public records along with other records in the county, such as Deschutes County Court Records, vital records, property records, and voter registration information.

Law enforcement officers in Deschutes County are compelled to make arrests for multiple reasons, including:

  • For Public Safety: When a person is at a risk to the public and themselves, such as public intoxication or disorderly conduct.
  • To Execute a Warrant: When a judge has issued a warrant for the arrest of an individual.
  • To Prevent Obstruction of Justice: When there is an interference with the legal process or an ongoing investigation.
  • Violation of Court Orders: When persons do not comply with court orders such as restraining orders, probation, failure to appear before the court or parole
  • To Prevent a Crime: When law enforcement officers observe a crime being committed, they can arrest the perpetrator to prevent the criminal act from being committed.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office maintains the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office Adult Jail at:

Deschutes County Sheriff's Office Adult Jail
63333 West Highway 20 (US-20)
Bend OR 97701

Built in 1994, the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office Adult Jail is located at the Cascade Village Shopping Center on West Highway 20 across Highway 20.

Are Arrest Records Public in Deschutes County?

Yes, arrest records are public records in Deschutes County. They are made public per Oregon Revised Statutes 192.311 to 192.478 (Oregon Public Records Law), which states that government and arrest records are public records unless specifically exempted. And as public records, the citizenry is permitted to inspect these records. Law enforcement agencies such as the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office must comply with this law and make requested arrest records available. However, it is important to note that:

  • Some information may be redacted from public arrest records
  • Juvenile records are restricted and may not be available to the public
  • Some records may already be sealed or expunged by court order and no longer available to the public
  • Certain records may be withheld to protect personal privacy or to prevent jeopardizing ongoing investigations by county, state, or federal investigations

Where public arrest records are restricted, redacted, or expunged, they may still be available to the following:

  • Law enforcement officers and agencies
  • Courts and judges
  • Government agencies
  • Persons with a court order granting them access to these records
  • The subject of the records or their legally appointed advocates or defense attorneys

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Deschutes County public arrest records contain extensive information about the arrest of an individual in the county, including:

  • Personal information of the person arrested, such as full name, date of birth, home address, physical description (weight, height, hair color, eye color, body markings such as tattoos)
  • Arrest details such as date and time of arrest, location of arrest, arresting agency, and arresting law enforcement officer or officers
  • Criminal charges such as nature of the offense or offenses, specific charges against the offender, statute or law violated
  • Booking information such as booking number, date and time of booking, mugshot photograph, and fingerprints
  • Custody status information states if the individual is in custody or has been released and if released, the method of release, such as own recognizance or bail
  • Bond or bail information, such as if it has been paid or not or if an amount has been set, or if applicable
  • Court information, including scheduled court appearances and court case number, if assigned
  • Other relevant information to the arrest includes any medical issues or injuries observed during the booking or arrest, vehicle information, the arrestee's property inventory, and available criminal history.

Deschutes County Crime Rate

Data from the Oregon Uniform Crime Reporting Data shows that in Deschutes County, 15,678 distinct offenses were reported in 2023, with 11,536 distinct cases and 13,856 victims. These offenses were spread around:

  • Property offenses - 5,441 - 34.70 %
  • Society offenses - 3,824 - 24.39 %
  • People offenses - 1,897 - 12.09 %
  • Other offenses - 4,516 - 28.80 %

The most reported crimes across the major classifications were:

  • Person - Intimidation - 584
  • Property - Larceny/Theft Offenses - 2,600
  • Society - Driving under the influence - 1,153

The most reported crimes in Deschutes County were:

  • Larceny/theft offenses - 2,615
  • Vandalism - 1,329
  • Driving under the influence - 1,164
  • Fraud offenses - 630
  • Intimidation - 590
  • Disorderly conduct - 514
  • Simple assault - 409
  • Drug/Narcotic offenses - 403
  • Burglary - 292
  • Weapon law violations - 260

Deschutes County Arrest Statistics

According to data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Crime Data Explorer provided by the Deschutes Sheriff’s Office, there were 941 arrests in the county in 2022. These arrests were for drug possession offenses (140), drug sales offenses (22), crimes against property (168), prostitution violations (2), crimes against society (510), and crimes against persons (237).

The offenses with the highest arrest rates in the county in 2022 included Driving under the influence (193), simple assault (174), drug abuse violations (81), vandalism (64), larceny-theft (57), aggravated assault (42) weapons carrying and possession (33), disorderly conduct (27), motor vehicle theft (20), and burglary (16).

Of the 941 arrests made in 2022, 361 (38.36%) were females, while 580 (61.64%) were males. This is at a ratio of 1.6 males to every female arrested in the county. The highest age range of arrested females was 35-39 (35), while for males, it was 30-34 (99).

Arrestee race was split as follows:

  • White - 889 persons
  • Black or African American - 21
  • Asian - 8
  • American Indian or Alaska Native - 7
  • Unknown race - 21

The incarceration capacity of Deschutes County is 452 beds at the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office adult jail facility, which was constructed in 1994. As of the fourth quarter of 2021, 194 sentenced and pretrial inmates were incarcerated in the county. According to the latest available statistics, as of the fourth quarter of 2019, Deschutes County had an incarceration rate of 581 per 100,000 residents aged 16 to 64. This was lower than both the Oregon and U.S. rates.

Find Deschutes County Arrest Records

Persons in Deschutes County who need to find an inmate can call the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office Adult Jail at (541) 388-6661. Questions and concerns about an inmate can be made anytime since inmate records are public. The Deschutes County Adult Jail is the only institution for detaining persons in the county. There are no federal detainment institutions in the county.

Free Arrest Record Search in Deschutes County

Persons interested in accessing arrest records in Deschutes County can use third-party services to retrieve these records. Alternatively, they can call the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office Adult Jail and obtain information on inmates for free.

Get Deschutes County Criminal Records

Criminal records in Deschutes County are the official records that detail a person's interaction with the legal systems of the county after being arrested, put on trial, and found guilty or has pleaded guilty after being put on trial. Criminal records may include court records, arrest records, incarceration records, conviction records, custody records, and probation records. Criminal records provide information about an individual's criminal history, including every arrest, fine or penalty, charge, court proceedings, sentence, incarceration information, probation information, etc. It is also called the individual's rap sheet.

Persons interested in Deschutes County criminal records can use the online Oregon Judicial Department (OJD) Records and Calendar Search to access the filings, hearing information, and judgments of criminal cases. Criminal records are also available through the Deschutes County Circuit Court for persons seeking these records at:

Deschutes County Courthouse
1100 North West Bond Street
Bend, Oregon 97703

Also, criminal records such as custody or conviction can be obtained through the Public Records Request form provided by the Deschutes County Office. County staff will contact the requester and provide a cost estimate for searching and producing the records. Alternatively, requesters can send a written request to the Deschutes County Clerk’s Office and submit it via email at steve.dennison@deschutes.org.

Deschutes County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Deschutes County arrest records are created to document a person's arrest in the county. These arrest records include the arrestee's name and other related information, such as the charges, date, and location of the arrest. Generally, Deschutes arrest records may be stand-alone records that only show that an individual has been taken into custody by law enforcement agencies and retained at their offices or detained at the County jail. Arrest records do not show guilt on the part of the arrestee as charges may be dropped, never filed, or the individual arrested may be released after questioning.

Deschutes Criminal records are a collection of records that show the arrest or trail leading to conviction or a guilty plea by an individual. Arrest records are part of criminal records. Other criminal records include court records, court proceedings, conviction and sentencing information, and parole information.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Persons with arrest records in Deschutes County can have the arrests removed from their records per Oregon Revised Statutes § 137.225 after some time as stipulated by the statute. For example, persons arrested with no charges filed against them can apply to the Deschutes County Circuit Court in Deschutes County after 60 days for an order to set aside the arrest. Similarly, persons acquitted or with their charges dismissed can apply in court immediately after the acquittal or discharge of charges to set aside the charge or citation records.

Expunge Deschutes County Arrest Records

Persons in Deschutes County who seek to have their arrest records expunged can take advantage of the provisions of the Oregon Revised Statutes § 137.225, which allows this. Oregon law allows for the expungement of the following offenses:

  • Misdemeanors
  • Many Class B felonies
  • Class C felonies
  • Class A racketeering felonies
  • Schedule I drug possession
  • State and local ordinance violations

Persons who have these charges and convictions set aside have their conviction records sealed. Some offenses, however, are not eligible for expungement. These include:

  • Most violent offenses
  • Traffic violations and offenses
  • Offenses targeting the vulnerable
  • Sex-related offenses

With the acceptance of the use of recreational marijuana in Oregon, the use has been decriminalized. Consequently, convictions for decriminalized marijuana-related offenses are now available. These offenses are classified as Class C misdemeanors, which fall under the eligibility for expungement.

Persons seeking to expunge their records must serve the prosecutor through their attorney. They will be granted an opportunity for a hearing in court. Expungement will be granted if the court is convinced the individual's current behavior and circumstances do not pose a risk to the public.

Persons seeking to expunge their records can file a motion to set aside a conviction or arrest at the Deschutes County District Court.

Deschutes County Arrest Warrants

Deschutes County arrest warrants are legally mandated instructions from a court by a judge or a magistrate that instructs and empowers law enforcement officers to apprehend a person and take them into custody. There must be probable cause before the court will grant an arrest warrant. Arrest warrants are required to take people who may have committed a crime and put themselves or others at risk off the streets. Arrest warrants may also be issued to bring in persons during an investigation by law enforcement. The information on arrest warrants includes the name of the person to be arrested, their description, the charges against them, instructions to the officers to carry out arrests, and information on the issuing judge and court.

Deschutes County Arrest Warrant Search

The County Sheriff's Office serves arrest warrants in Deschutes County. To perform a warrant search in Deschutes County, persons who think there might be a warrant for their arrest are to report to the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office Adult Jail in Person from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and inform staff of suspicion of a warrant. A search will be conducted, and the person will be taken into custody if a warrant is found. If a warrant is not found, they are allowed to leave. Phone calls to inquire about the presence of a warrant are not encouraged, as a response to this is not provided by phone.

Do Deschutes County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No, Deschutes County arrest warrants do not expire but remain active until they are executed with the arrest of the person on the warrant turning themselves over or law enforcement officers arrest them. However, people suspecting they have a warrant for their arrest in Deschutes, Oregon can hire an attorney to file a motion to quash the warrant if it exists.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!